Thursday, August 9, 2012

We Shall Overcome

"We Shall Overcome!
We Shall Overcome!
We Shall Overcome One Day
Oh Oh Oh, Deep in my heart......
I Still Believe.
We Shall Overcome One Day."

Everything we face in life....every seemingly bad situation, obstacle, delay, or unhappiness, has in it the seeds of opportunity that lead to the opposite conditions.  What I mean to say, is that there is always CHOICE.

How we respond to situations that cross our path, says a lot about who we are.  Our trained responses (reactions) kick in.  If we are wise, we make choices in our lives that allow us to CAUSE the circumstances and conditions that we live in.  But occassionally, we become embroiled in situations that are tricky and involve navigating a seeming mindfield of difficulties.

I don't know about anyone else out there in particular but I find it really hard to make decisions most of the time.  For me, the world is a lovely buffet of options and I like to sample the flavors.  When it comes to choosing Friends, Lovers, Life Partners, Bosses (yes, we actually choose bosses!), or co-workers (yup...them too!), it can be some of the harder choices out there.  These relationships are primal and essential.  Without relationships...without PEOPLE...what are we?  Who are we without the people of our lives?  Who are we WITH them?  How do we "weed out" those dangerous influences without hurting feelings?  Does it matter if we hurt feelings?  What if we remove the wrong ones and replace them with worse choices?  How can we know if what we are doing is right?

I wonder if anyone else out there is struggling with these questions like I am!  I could really use some truth right now.  I could really use the brightest flashlight ever known to man in order to illuminate the dark places and see what is really there.  You know a tree by it's fruit, right?  That is always true, isn't it?  I wonder...

You see, in my life right now there can only be one truth and there can only be one right path.  A person cannot possibly walk two paths at once in order to see which one they like best.  I know this because I HAVE TRIED!  Yup. I really have!  I have tried to keep one foot in one path and the other in the other path.  What happens when you do this, is that all you can do is stand there.  Without the CAUSE...the Momentum..the movement...that will be achieved only when both legs work together toward the same just stand there.  Your legs grow tired and weary and there is no progress.  The scenary never changes.  Things pass by you on their way through life and you just stand there...alone and sad....and secretly suffering.  And who even notices?  Who even KNOWS you at all?  This has been my life for more years then I care to admit.  Some of my friends will read this blog and they will understand why I say it.  They will know that they have seen me stuck and have seen that little has been achieved in my life that I could call a Legacy of Value.  But I want a Legacy of Value. It MATTERS to me that I achieve things in life. 

Some of the greatest Miracles that exist in my life right now, are gathering moss on the underbelly of stagnant ships that sit in the bay of my life.  They just sit there looking mighty and regal in the harbor...faithfully sitting and waiting.  But if you throw on a scuba tank and get underneath, there are some beautiful things there.  Strange analogy, I am sure.  But it feels right to me and that is what matters.  My choices FEEL RIGHT to me...and THAT is what matters.  The amazingly wise poet, Robert Frost, is often quoted in his poem about the two paths that diverge in the woods.  In the poem, he takes the one "less travelled" (by virtue of the fact that the path can barely be seen because it is so overgrown).  He says that this path, rather than the most-trodden, made all the difference for him in his life.  I like to ask myself, "what kind of adventures awaited him?".  He never really elaborates.  But the spark of curiosity and hope exists in the power of those words:

I chose the path less travelled...and it made all the difference.

Since there is no one to ask but me, why I should do any thing I choose to do...I will adopt the curiosity of Robert Frost.  I will engage the wanderer in me.  I will embrace the pioneer of truth who wants new experiences and wants her ship to have it's maiden voyage.  I will cast my shackles for good and remove the hurt...the layers of hurt.  I will shed the doubt and mistrust and worry because these habits do me no service except to hinder me further.  If I walk this path instead of that path...the beauty of it will be that I will still always have the one thing I need the most.  MYSELF.

God Bless and Namaste


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Feeling your way through Life's Philosophies

I see myself as a modern day Philosopher like Socrates and Plato.  Sadly, my ideas are far from original.  But there is no need for original thought in these 2012.  If we are raising our consciousness and aiding others in doing so, then we are achieving our purpose.  And rather than preaching or writing new concepts or spreading new concepts, the best way to enlighten others is by living the life and offerring our lives as a living documentary of the possibility of Ascending and Evolving.

I love being a philosopher.  Do you?  Are you a philosopher too?  Who inspires you and gives you your best ideas?  Every person receives insight from somewhere.  Where are your words of inspiration coming from?  Are you sharing your light with the world?  Is the world reflecting it back to you?  When I start talking and sharing, I like to be totally and completely open.  This is never easy and some people more than others are effective at sharing.  I will share some tips that may help you if you are new at this and it doesn't come naturally.  First of all, if you are more introverted than SHY....or perhaps introverted simply because some hardships in life have caused you to become more private, then you are likely to need these tips.

Wherever you go, leave the house with the realization and acceptance that you have a purpose and that purpose is to share.  So brush your hair and take some pride in your appearance, because if you are insecure about your clothes or your breath or your general outward will definitely NOT share with people.  You just won't.  You will instead, walk into a store and put your head down and try to avoid people.  But if you feel you are prepared in these ways, you can look for ways to be "others-focused".  What this means is, turn off the cell phone or ipod that you walk around connected at strangers.  Participate in random conversations with other living beings.  Stop and inspire a Mom with a new baby or a man with a dog on a leash.  Start a conversation with an elderly person.  They appreciate it so much!  If you have a child or a pet...take them along!  And you know what?  They better be trained up in the right way  to act in public, because if you are dragging a tired, cranky, maladjusted, disobedient child or pet around with you thinking that they will somehow help you spark a connection with others, you are dead wrong!  But if they can be a shopping partner and be charming...then you may use them.

Becoming a careful and open listener who does not use filters through which to observe people, and also being a listener who cares to find ways to reach your primary purpose.  Forget about age, race and creed.  Smile at people.  Offer to help.  Say "bless you" if someone sneezes nearby.  If someone is absentmindedly annoying another shopper in a store and others nearby are grumbling and rolling their eyes over the person....don't join into the negativity.  Instead, look for ways to serve.  If no one else will speak up to tap the person and say, "please move down in line"...then YOU do it.  And don't judge while you do it but rather, be KIND and understanding and offer them assistance.  Don't overlook anyone's one at all.  Until you have walked a mile in their shoes. It is so easy to make snap judgements when we encounter people for a few minutes.  But think about this:  Have you ever had an off day?  Were you ever absentminded or innattentive or just plain rude?  You have been...but it was not was how you acted.  You are more than one random action.

Bless everyone today and you yourself will be blessed.


Saturday, July 28, 2012

A Splendid Summer Diversion

I am having a wonderful time away from home this summer.  I am thankful to have supportive clients and family and friends who have accomodated my travel arrangements!  I am deeply grateful...first to David for supporting us financially and allowing the distance from me and the kids...
Also to Jess and Bill for hosting us.  They  have been wonderful.  We have never gone without anything we desired...and my children are BLOSSOMING and BLOOMING in a nurturing environment...bonding with their natural cousins and their Aunt and Uncle.  My sister and I are deepening our bond as well.  I even am getting to know my Brother-in-Law and see what life is really like down here!

So here are some wonderful photos...there will be a lot of pictures because this is a photojournal.  Here are some general photos of us around the house doing day-to-day stuff:

Next we have photos from our Visit to various beaches such as Melbourne, Cocoa Beach, Sebastian Inlet and Fort Pierce.

Here we are exploring at a local playground.  Down here they are shaded for safety.  It was such a peaceful day...

AAA was there...LOL

There have been wonderful moments at Jessica's home just cooking and swimming and hanging out as a family and with neighbors and friends who showed an interest in getting to know us...

A lovely diversion indeed, being down here...writing and studying, swimming and travelling...sunbathing, cooking, eating and gathering with friends and loved ones.  Breathing in the warm air and attempting to jog...then resorting to swimming instead....

Good times...Great memories.
2012 Rocks...
